Quality log supplier
in Ballynahinch
About Luke’s Log’s Ltd
Luke’s Logs Ltd is a family-run business dedicated to providing top-quality firewood at competitive prices, backed by exceptional service. We’re passionate about what we do and strive to offer a service that stands out from the competition. Depending on your location, we’ll deliver your order at the most affordable rate. Whether you need large or small quantities of cut logs or kindling, we’d love for you to experience our service. Contact us for more details.
Many years’ experience
Professional service
Friendly team

Barrow Bags
Our seasoned softwood barrow bags are £30 each or 4 for £110.

Bulk Bags
Bulk bags of seasoned softwood £70

Barrow Bags of Dried Natural Kindling
Our dried natural kindling is perfect for this at only £15 a bag
Log delivery at the lowest possible cost
We offer delivery across Northern Ireland, with prices starting from £0, depending on your location. We can deliver directly to your driveway or garage and even provide a stacking service for a small additional fee. Contact us today to discuss delivery options and costs in your area.
For quality logs and delivery across Northern Ireland, call us on: 07921 846 747